Ermanno Rondi

Città Studi, Ermanno Rondi is the new president

New appointments at the top of Città Studi Biella, with Ermanno Rondi appointed as president in place of Pier Ettore Pellerey, and with the new Board of Directors appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting: the vice-president is Cristiano Gatti.

With them are directors Simone Bertone, Lorenzo Boffa Sandalina, Salvatore Carbone, Corradino Claudio, Francesco Ferraris, Ada Ferri, Franca Lizza, Marta Nicolo, Mario Novaretti, Andrea Quaregna, Emanuele Ramella Pralungo, Piercarlo Rossi and Clelia Zola.

The composition of the Board of Statutory Auditors was also renewed: Marco Pichetto Fratin is the chairman, Alberto Blotto and Valter Gamba as acting auditors. Directors, Board of Statutory Auditors and chairman will remain in office for three years.

Ermanno Rondi, born in 1953, founded Incas, a company dealing with industrial automation in the supply chain sector, with Paolo Piana in 1981. He was president of Unione Industriale Biellese from 2001 to 2007, then held the position of Education delegate for the Club of 15 and was president of the Technical Group for Professional Training and Work School Alternation of Confindustria in Rome.

From 1996 to 2000 he was president of Acimit; today he is the delegate for Human Capital at Confindustria Piemonte. “I would like Città Studi to be perceived for what it is: a Campus of educational services for the development of the Territory – Rondi’s first words as president – and I am honoured to take on this position. The exchange of information, openness, transparency, integration and collaborations are fundamental in the search for the right keys to better interpret the changes that will influence tomorrow’s scenarios. It is essential to focus on an education that has young people at its centre, that is attractive to them and consistent with the culture and prospects of the area as well as virtuous in bringing employability. Finally, we must cooperate with all sources of research to create the organic basis for innovation’.

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